Sunday Film News Roundup -- August 7th, 2011

We're going to have a really light Roundup this week.

I just flew back from Denver and between flying, unpacking, cleaning, getting Netflix to work on my PS3 again while simultaneously being outraged over the $19.58 they charged me (wasn't that supposed to be in September?), I haven't gotten my real life back in order yet, nor have I been around my newsgathering places since about Tuesday. I'm a few days late on my review of Terri, despite having seen it last week even.

We can soldier through this though, I know we can.

-Matt Damon is officially forgiven for Hereafter and for being a Red Sox fan thanks to this video.

-I said a few weeks ago you better learn the name Brit Marling, who stars in the upcoming Another Earth. Spielberg, Soderbergh and Redford are all trying to cast her in various projects.

-You might want to get to know the name Felicity Jones too.

-I love Ethan Hawke, but this found footage horror genre bullshit needs to stop already.

-Friday Night Lights: The Final Cash Grab anyone?

-My prayers have come true! A God-themed comedy featuring Miley Cyrus is on the way. Thanks, Satan.

-Is it me, or does Ryan Gosling kind of look like Daniel Craig in this Drive poster?

-I thought they wanted more people to watch the Oscars, but instead they went and hired Brett Rattner to produce it. Hopefully Ryan Reynolds and Chris Tucker will host. Because that would be too awesome.

-Has a line in a movie ever changed the course of your life? It did for Harry Allen, the jazz saxamaphonist, who did it for Marilyn Monroe when she said, "I have this thing about saxophone players. Especially tenor sax. All they have to do is play eight bars of ‘Come To Me, My Melancholy Baby,’ and my spine turns to custard. I get goose-pimply all over, and I come to ’em." (Can you blame him?)

-Here's the trailer for Like Crazy, the Sundance jury prize winner about a long distance relationship that looks pretty fucking good and stars Felicity Jones (told you, you better get to know her name) and Anton Yelchin.

-Francis Ford Coppola's trailer for the horror film Twixt. Having a lot of trouble getting excited about this based on the trailer.

-No vintage film article this week, but if you haven't read Nicholas Schmidle's New Yorker article on the Seal Team Six bin Laden raid, you should do that right now.

-So, yeah, I restarted my Netflix after having it on hold for June and July and this is what my bill now looks like for Streaming+1 DVD (Bluray enabled). To quote myself when I saw it, "motherfucker, what the fuck?" And then I cried. And then they somewhat made up for it by putting Punch Drunk Love and The Conversation on HD streaming.


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