Conservative grifter Laura Loomer refuses to concede congressional primary, claims election fraud

Alt-right asshole and all around troll Laura Loomer was a bit too extreme for the MAGA hordes who live in Florida's 11th Congressional district.

The racist fearmonger last seen holding a rally accusing Walt Disney World of supporting pedophiles lost her bid to be the Republican candidate for the House of Representatives in the district, which includes parts of Lake County and extends all the way to Florida's western coast.

After finding out that she lost to incumbent representative Daniel Webster, the white supremacist Loomer vowed to contest the results.

"I’m not conceding because I’m a winner," she said, incorrectly.

Loomer took a page out of the modern GOP playbook, where any outcome that is unfavorable to the lunatic fringe is an election theft conspiracy and not voters showing them the door. The model has found particular purchase in Florida, where the state government went so far as to create a new branch of elections police over the Republican presidential loss in 2020.

“It breaks my heart that we are in a position in this country today where the Republican Party establishment is participating in the voter fraud machine. And I stand on the stage before you today with the American flag behind me to tell you that we do not live in a free country. We do not live in a country with free and fair elections,” she said, broken clock-ily.


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