Ever wanted to see a Disney Prince's dick? Here you go! (NSFW, obvs)

click to enlarge Image via Jezebel
Image via Jezebel

Image via Jezebel

After this, you'll never be able to look at a Disney Prince the same way again. The staff over at Jezebel got tired of always hearing about "Disney Princess this" and "Disney Princess that" and decided to take a look inside the trousers of our favorite Disney Princes. They weren't happy with just drawing random penii on princes; they went into deep detail on the Princes' privates, taking into consideration ball size, pube wildness and the whole vein situation.

Illustrated by Tara Jacoby, with super-specific commentary by Tracie Egan Morrissey, it's worth the childhood scars you'll suffer to click through to the Jezebel article and see all the best Disney Prince dick pics. For now, here are a couple of our faves:

Image via Jezebel
Image via Jezebel

Image via Jezebel

click to enlarge Image via Jezebel
Image via Jezebel

Image via Jezebel

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