Nadeem's Cheap Assed Bingo takes your grandma's jam underground

Nadeem's Cheap Assed Bingo at Will's Pub - Jim Leatherman
Jim Leatherman
Nadeem's Cheap Assed Bingo at Will's Pub
Nadeem’s Cheap Assed Bingo Night, Will’s Pub, Sep. 17

When it comes to local color, Nadeem Khan is one of the Orlando music scene’s hall of famers. For one, he has decades of street cred from membership in an incredible list of colorful and daring homegrown bands that includes the Wild Tones, Obliterati and the Delusionaires (not to mention his stints with big cats like Bloodshot Bill and King Khan). But even bigger than his upright bass is his personality. And even if that was all he had to wield, it would ensure him permanent cachet in these parts.

The man is a legit character, an Orlando underground icon. In fact, just make him the master of ceremonies of anything and it would be worth seeing. For proof, just attend one of the occasional Nadeem’s Cheap Assed Bingo Night stands at Will’s Pub.
Nadeem's Cheap Assed Bingo at Will's Pub - Jim Leatherman
Jim Leatherman
Nadeem's Cheap Assed Bingo at Will's Pub
True to name, it doesn’t get any more cheap-assed than free play with prizes like bar tabs (which are like 24K in these circles). But this isn’t the kind of drip-drip snoozy affair usually reserved for seniors. With Nadeem’s presence, it’s a kind of show unto itself, and he runs it like a swinging, R-rated ‘60s game show with his signature warped charisma.
Nadeem's Cheap Assed Bingo at Will's Pub - Jim Leatherman
Jim Leatherman
Nadeem's Cheap Assed Bingo at Will's Pub
Nadeem's Cheap Assed Bingo at Will's Pub - Jim Leatherman
Jim Leatherman
Nadeem's Cheap Assed Bingo at Will's Pub
Between calling out numbers, he dishes comedy that can go from dad jokes to dirty uncle zingers to left-field wordplay that’s borderline Mitch Hedberg. He’s also just as prone to throw potshots at other local personalities as he is about himself. And he tells funny personal band stories that are likely true.
Nadeem's Cheap Assed Bingo at Will's Pub - Jim Leatherman
Jim Leatherman
Nadeem's Cheap Assed Bingo at Will's Pub
Nadeem's Cheap Assed Bingo at Will's Pub - Jim Leatherman
Jim Leatherman
Nadeem's Cheap Assed Bingo at Will's Pub
It’s part stand-up routine, part storyteller session, and all a little cockeyed. Oh, and you can win stuff. If anything, go just to see what Nadeem’s wearing.

Follow Bao on Twitter (@baolehuu)
Email Bao: [email protected]


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