1st: Mills 50, mills50.org
2nd: Winter Park Scenic Boat Tour, scenicboattours.com
3rd: Historic Downtown Sanford, historicdowntownsanford.com
1st: The Yard, theyardivanhoe.com
2nd: Village at Baldwin Park, villagebaldwinpark.com
3rd: 55 West, live55westorlando.com
1st: The Alfond Inn, thealfondinn.com
2nd: Grand Bohemian Hotel, kesslercollection.com/bohemian-orlando
3rd: The Wellborn, thewellbornorlando.com
1st: Cornerstone Charter Academy, cornerstonecharter.com
2nd: Lake Eola Charter School, lecs.org
3rd: UCP of Central Florida, ucpcfl.org
1st: JCC of Maitland, orlandojcc.org/early-childhood
2nd: Primrose School of Lake Nona, primroseschools.com/schools/lake-nona
3rd: Conway Learning Center, conwaylearningcenter.com
1st: Dr. Phillips Center for the Performing Arts, drphillipscenter.org
2nd: Will's Pub, willspub.org
3rd: The Plaza Live, plazaliveorlando.org
1st: University of Central Florida, ucf.edu
2nd: Rollins College, rollins.edu
3rd: Valencia College, valenciacollege.edu
1st: Orlando Fringe Festival, orlandofringe.org
2nd: Come Out With Pride, comeoutwithpride.org
3rd: Pet Alliance of Greater Orlando Paws in the Park, pawsinthepark.org
1st: LGBT Center Pulse Mural, thecenterorlando.org
2nd: Milk District, electrical boxes themilkdistrict.org/mural-map
3rd: Sam Flax, samflaxorlando.com