Undercover cops sting a weed doc; Orlando Weekly readers think it was a waste of time and money

Undercover cops sting a cannabis doc; Orlando Weekly readers think it was a waste of time and money

State health officials are asking an administrative law judge to permanently ban a Tallahassee physician from ordering medical marijuana for patients, suspend his medical license for five years and impose a $10,000 fine, after an investigation that included undercover agents posing as patients. The Department of Health's proposed penalties against physician Joseph Dorn — who has practiced in Florida for more than three decades — date back to a 2019 complaint alleging that the physician violated state law by failing to conduct physical examinations of "Patient O.G." and "Patient B.D." The complaint also accused Dorn of employing a "trick or scheme" in the practice of medicine.

Dorn's lawyer, Ryan Andrews, maintains that the doctor didn't do anything wrong. "Ironically, the only trick or scheme employed in this case was that of petitioner (the agency), by intentionally sending B.D. and O.G. to Dr. Dorn to trick him into ordering medical marijuana for B.D. and O.G. based on their presentation of unlawful falsehoods concerning their qualifying conditions (i.e., PTSD and anxiety)," Andrews wrote. Readers had thoughts.

@Andrea Smith Man, it's almost like there is a whole bunch more pressing crime we could be investigating but instead we put two undercovers on medical marijuana.

@Paul Singletary Can we stop with the fucking smoke and mirrors and just legalize pot for all in Florida? This is really stupid.

@Melissa Mel Nice to see that actual crimes like rape, abducting children, homicide, robbery, etc. took a backseat to this waste of time and resources. This is sheer entrapment on a physician who has been practicing for decades.

@Jennifer Moss I have a medical marijuana card and all that is required is medical records showing why you need it. My pain doctor only did a physical exam on me because I also required trigger point injections. Stop going after doctors who are here to help us and go after the true criminals. Our state is just becoming a laughingstock of this country!

@Ben Ratliff How the hell do you justify spending tax dollars on this?! The chief who ordered this undercover op should be hit with those penalties. Ban him from police management for five years, fine him $10K, and don't let him order any drug-related undercover ops for the rest of his career.

@Adam Lenz Plot twist: O.G. actually has PTSD and would have benefited.

@Jim Danger Hendel Losing the drug war? Try cheating! Or just quit and legalize them.

@Alejandro Vasquez Wall Street, hedge funds will soon own the market. These clowns still operating like Nancy Reagan is going to invite them to Thanksgiving dinner for their efforts.

@Joseph Jay White The real story is "The State Is Still Requiring Adults to Jump Through Medical Hoops To Use Something Relatively Harmless They Might Enjoy or Need"

@Jon Spooner I'll take entrapment for $500, Alex.

@Danni Gusler It says that he didn't give a physical examination. Do people get physical exams for all these other pills they are given?

@Ant Iannucci @Danni Gusler: You can't give a physical exam for PTSD or anxiety.

@Tyson R. Geninatti I'm sure this is happening with people telling their doctors they have anxiety to get pills. Any undercover agents there?!

@Cris Field @Tyson R. Geninatti: Doesn't everyone have anxiety now?

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