;Slice of heaven

;Nice story ["Make the pie higher!", Sept. 28]. But a review of Rossi's would be cool. I bet most people in town don't realize that this gem exists. I have the opportunity to travel quite a bit … and there is nothing better than finding a hometown joint with a friendly smile, great food and good beer selection at the end of a long road.


;I saw the recent article on raw milk ["White lightning," Sept. 7]. Sorry, it was boring. I want to read about food … accessible, fun eats that reflect our community (is there a community here?). I do admit that the dining column is my first destination each week. You do a very good job.


;Mike Hennessey, via the Internet

;;Tiny shards of glass

;I really loved your article on raw milk ["White lightning," Sept. 7]. What's interesting is that in Florida, Whole Foods will sell you raw milk (at a very high price) in a container that says "not for human consumption, for pet consumption only." I buy it every time I visit Florida. Unfortunately, I go to school in Dallas.


;The laws are more strict here, and our Whole Foods cannot even use that loophole. To get raw milk here, you have to join a milk club and help transport the milk from farms that are very far away from the city. I haven't joined yet.


;As chiropractic student, I am very aware of the benefits of raw milk, particularly the whole proteins and whole fats that help structure our cells. Consuming pasteurized milk is akin to eating tiny shards of glass and then asking your body to make a window out of it.


; Darren Hollander, via the Internet

;;For the people

;I'd like to thank the Orlando Weekly for its in-depth coverage of my roller derby league, the Florida Rollergirls ["Fast and dirty," Sept. 7]. I'd like to clarify a few things about the way we are running the business aspect of our league that were mentioned in the article, because I think that we came off sounding like we expected to get rich playing roller derby.


;That is simply not the case. Although we did not want to form an LLC in order to play roller derby, we had to do it in order to cover ourselves liability-wise and make it a successful spectator sport and a functional venture as its popularity grew.


;We do not qualify as a nonprofit, like most amateur sport teams and leagues, because ticket sales (which pay for our overhead) comprise a large portion of what keeps the league afloat.


;Our business is a regular LLC and all proceeds we make go back into the business. We are not a pyramid scheme, but if there are any profits from the business in the future, as all of the girls are members of the LLC, they will one day share in the rewards of the corporation. Some may be compensated more or less based on their off-skate involvement in making the business work. This is a collective effort that seeks to empower and reward the women involved.


;Hugs and bruises,


;Jeannie Dowis, aka Flyin' J, via the Internet

;;Godless Asians

;There is a larger population of atheists here in Orlando than most people realize. But a lack of a recognizable meeting place keeps them invisible. This includes the thousands of Vietnamese and Chinese who live in Orlando who come from atheist countries. ;They also are "under the radar."

;;Stephen Nordlinger, via the Internet

;;Department of Corrections

;Our super special music pullout poster [Cooler, Sept. 28] listed the wrong date for the Pet Shop Boys concert at Hard Rock Live. The correct show date is Oct. 18.

;; [email protected]


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