Florida Rep. Matt Gaetz is a terrible person

click to enlarge Florida Rep. Matt Gaetz is a terrible person
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Over the past 24 hours, U.S. Rep. Matt Gaetz, a Florida congressman who very well could be three kids stacked on top of each other in a suit, took to Twitter to post an anti-Semitic conspiracy theory, as well as discredit Jamal Khashoggi, the Washington Post journalist who many presume was murdered by the Saudi Arabian government.

Last night Gaetz attempted to argue that Khashoggi isn't really a journalist because seven years ago he tweeted, "Dear USA, Your 9/11 is our 24/7. Sincerely, Palestine," and therefore this statement should be something we consider when we talk about how he reportedly was dismembered before he actually died.

Of course, just acknowledging that innocent people are murdered on the Gaza strip was too much for Gaetz.

"The media is painting Khashoggi as a 'journalist' rather than a political participant," Gaetz tweeted. "Don’t get me wrong, I’m 100% opposed to killing people for their politics, but IDK that this is journalism." It makes sense that Gaetz penned this absolute garbage heap of a tweet, considering the congressman routinely parrots whatever comes from President Trump, who just yesterday argued that Khashoggi isn't a U.S. citizen, and therefore, you know, what's the big deal?

But Gaetz wasn't done with just one shitty take. Yesterday, Gaetz also irresponsibly shared a video, with zero context or background, showing a random person handing cash to people in a crowd. He then recklessly questioned if this was another effort from Jewish billionaire George Soros, which is a baseless claim Trump also recently blurted out at a rally. 

"Footage in Honduras giving cash 2 women & children 2 join the caravan & storm the US border @ election time. Soros? US-backed NGOs? Time to investigate the source!" tweeted Gaetz. 
For those of you who don't frequent Breitbart or 4chan, Soros is often the center of conspiracy theories from the so-called alt-right that usually suggest that the Hungarian-born Jewish billionaire is some kind of evil mastermind behind progressive movements, and also controls the world's banks.

Honestly, it should come as no surprise that Gaetz loves a dumb conspiracy theory. The congressman has appeared on InfoWars with Alex Jones, a snake oil salesman who peddles supplements and promotes batshit insane ideas like governments have secret weather weapons and chemicals in the water are turning frogs gay.

To pile it on, one of Gaetz's aides once wrote a bill with help from a conspiracy theory subreddit devoted to white nationalism and Trump.

But he also can't seem to stop himself from doing racist crap on a semi-regular basis. Gaetz's special guest for President Trump's State of the Union address just happened to be Chuck Johnson, a banned Twitter troll, accused Holocaust denier and vocal affiliate of the "alt-right" white nationalist movement.

Gaetz also argued with Chris Hayes on MSNBC that Haiti is basically just "sheet metal and garbage," when attempting to defend Trump's racist "shithole countries" comments.

So, in other words, this is just a regular day for Gaetz.

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