34 infectious shots from Trucks & Tech III: Truckpocalypse

Trucks & Tech hosted its third annual Truckpocalypse event on Thursday, taking over Lake Eola Park with roaming zombies, tech-focused discussions and food trucks.

Discussion panels featured the latest information from the inside world of crowdfunding, kickstarters and tech-marketing strategies so attendees could walk away with the information they need to create their own inventions and apps and get them out into the world.

To find tweets from last night's event, search for #trucksandtech. The group is also on Facebook and Instagram.

March 27, 2014
Photos by Shannon Scheidell http://www.w3rdn3rd.com
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Jarrod and Courtney, of local social-media company Izea, feeling a little like zombies during the Truckpocalypse event.
Jarrod and Courtney, of local social-media company Izea, feeling a little like zombies during the Truckpocalypse event.
Attendees had their faces painted at the Trucks & Tech event.
Attendees had their faces painted at the Trucks & Tech event.
Ted, CEO of Izea, looking menacing replete in his own zombie alter ego getup.
Ted, CEO of Izea, looking menacing replete in his own zombie alter ego getup.
Shaun, Nathan and Michael enjoying their Sea Dog brews. Cheers!
Shaun, Nathan and Michael enjoying their Sea Dog brews. Cheers!
Demien Seiler, code breaker, sporting his own customized iteration of Google Glass.
Demien Seiler, code breaker, sporting his own customized iteration of Google Glass.
Envy Labs mascot, a cute little baby robot!
Envy Labs mascot, a cute little baby robot!
A few of the locals enjoying beer in a boot and gourmet soup from area vendors like Sea Dog Brewing and Dixie Land. From left to right: Ray Bell, Brittney Breeden and Lauren Pietrosky
A few of the locals enjoying beer in a boot and gourmet soup from area vendors like Sea Dog Brewing and Dixie Land. From left to right: Ray Bell, Brittney Breeden and Lauren Pietrosky
Allison, from the nonprofit org Spay n Save, looked a little like the Walking Dead herself.
Allison, from the nonprofit org Spay n Save, looked a little like the Walking Dead herself.
Griffin, the pup (named after the mythical creature; not related to Family Guy or Harry Potter in any way) enjoying the ocassional pat from a passerby when he wasn't rolling around in the grass. (Dan is the proud papa of this puppy.)
Griffin, the pup (named after the mythical creature; not related to Family Guy or Harry Potter in any way) enjoying the ocassional pat from a passerby when he wasn't rolling around in the grass. (Dan is the proud papa of this puppy.)
How hungry were the locals who attended the Truckpocalypse event, anyway?
How hungry were the locals who attended the Truckpocalypse event, anyway?
Envy Labs, located in downtown Orlando, offered 15 percent off coding lessons for the patrons of Trucks & Tech.
Envy Labs, located in downtown Orlando, offered 15 percent off coding lessons for the patrons of Trucks & Tech.
It's beer in a boot. Pinkies up!
It's beer in a boot. Pinkies up!
The legendary Tweetwall browser extension/plugin featured live tweets from the audience.
The legendary Tweetwall browser extension/plugin featured live tweets from the audience.
More than 100 people showed up to feast on food truck fare and bright ideas at this year's Truckpocalypse.
More than 100 people showed up to feast on food truck fare and bright ideas at this year's Truckpocalypse.
Phyllis Ayood and Wendy of Spay n Save, an organization based in Longwood. They say they've spayed or neutered more than 10,000 local pets.
Phyllis Ayood and Wendy of Spay n Save, an organization based in Longwood. They say they've spayed or neutered more than 10,000 local pets.
A local domain guru group shared geeky little bobble heads and bright and peppy hipster glasses as giveaways.
A local domain guru group shared geeky little bobble heads and bright and peppy hipster glasses as giveaways.
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