30 nostalgic pictures of Orlando restaurants in the '90s

Orlando's dining scene has grown up a lot in the last 25 years, but Orlandoans have always had their favorite restaurants. Here are a few photos from our archives of just a few of them; some are long since closed, some are still chugging along. Maybe your favorite is in here? Anyway, bon appetit and happy clicking.

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White Wolf Cafe
White Wolf Cafe
Florida Central Dinner Train Depot
Florida Central Dinner Train Depot
Lee's Lakeside
Lee's Lakeside
Rainforest Cafe
Rainforest Cafe
Tony's Deli
Tony's Deli
Big Smooth's
Big Smooth's
Chez Vincent
Chez Vincent
Arthur's 27
Arthur's 27
Trastevere Restaurant Winter Park (not to be confused with Cafe Trastevere)
Trastevere Restaurant Winter Park (not to be confused with Cafe Trastevere)
Cuban Sandwiches
Cuban Sandwiches
Planet Hollywood
Planet Hollywood
Shin Jung
Shin Jung
Happy Teriyaki
Happy Teriyaki
Gleason's Grille
Gleason's Grille
Mona Lisa Restaurant
Mona Lisa Restaurant
Orlando Ale House
Orlando Ale House
Cafe Citron
Cafe Citron
Race Rock
Race Rock
Houston's (now Hillstone)
Houston's (now Hillstone)
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