The blame game: How allowing guns on college campuses is ignoring the problem of sexual assault

image via Huffington Post

So, we've already had enough of this whole MOAR GUNZ EQUALZ MORE PROTEKTED CITIZZZENS crap we've been hearing from the gun nuts at the NRA in the past few years, especially when you consider that said guns are resulting in, oh, we don't know, violent attacks on students at said campuses. But yesterday, the New York Times chimed in with a piece explaining the strategy for getting guns closer to kids, and it involves rape. That, dear readers, turns our stomach. Florida is in on the deal, likely hatched by the gun lobby, even though Florida State University's Strozier Library endured a gun attack back in November. This plan, we would like to say, is bullshit of the highest order. That isn't what your legislature thinks, though, as they push this bill through committees like it's oiled and loaded.

Via the NYT: “If you’ve got a person that’s raped because you wouldn’t let them carry a firearm to defend themselves, I think you’re responsible,” State Representative Dennis K. Baxley of Florida said during debate in a House subcommittee last month. The bill passed.

Basically, the rapist is forgiven by virtue of the fact that the legislature continued its ban on guns at colleges, OR, WAIT A MINUTE, is the assaulted woman now the bad person for not brandishing a weapon? This is really happening, people. Act accordingly. 


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