Anybody who hasn't experienced it cannot imagine what it is like, leaving your home and memories behind in Puerto Rico, and coming to start new ones in Central Florida. Orlando has the largest Puerto Rican population in Florida, and the fastest-growing, rising from 4 percent in 1980 to 14 percent in 2019. The cultural and political impact of Puerto Ricans in Central Florida is similar to that of Cuban Americans in South Florida. That's one big reason why it's so important to have a taste of home. And it's definitely good news for everyone who isn't Borinqueño.
From Orange County to Osceola, culinary adventure awaits, with dishes straight from the island. Put on your pava and pop open a cold Medalla, and get ready to loudly chat away with friendly strangers, as you get nice and jartito in these four and five-star restaurants, eateries and food trucks with some of Orlando's best Puerto Rican food!
Gallery by Lillian Hernández Caraballo