Mickey and Minnie Mouse in new short, "Bad Ear Day"

Hot off of two short form Emmy wins for Outstanding Individual Achievement in Animation for Croissant de Triomphe, Disney dropped another brand new Mickey short and it's kind of by far my favorite of the new batch of shorts.

In it, Mickey finds himself running late for a date night out on the town with Minnie. While getting ready, he finally decides everything about him looks good -- except his ears, which just won't cooperate now matter what he does.

Even though it is essentially a classic chase comedy, like most of the others, the mixture of sight gags and sound gags expands greatly upon what the new series has offered so far. And it's damned funny. I urge you to check it out.


Previous Mickey shorts:

Croissant de Triumphe

No Service


New York Weenie

Tokyo Go

Stayin' Cool

