Orlando astrologer RJ Speiser heralds the grounding peace of Libra season

Orlando astrologer RJ Speiser heralds the grounding peace of Libra season
Illustration by Anna Cruz
My longtime idol, Tupac Shakur, once advised, “Let’s change the way we eat, let's change the way we live, let's change the way we treat each other. You see the old way wasn’t working so it’s on us to do what we gotta do.”

These words ring through my headphones in a small café and I can’t seem to focus. I should be writing about Libra season and finding inner balance. Yet, I’m distracted by a disagreement I recently had with a friend on how to initiate positive change. I keep reliving the discussion in my mind. I question whether I have the ability to encourage others to make changes in life.

During natal chart readings, both friends and clients request advice on how to live their best life. I feel torn about giving a direct answer. I know from personal experience that achieving happiness first requires evaluating where unhappiness has been lying dormant. Changing self-limiting beliefs is vital for long-term happiness.

So I decided to test this theory by doing research into my own chart. My astrology teacher advised to start looking at my 12th house. The 12th house is where we store all of our subconscious thoughts. The 12th house has also been coined the “house of sorrow,” and trust me, it’s an old, old house that requires a lot of maintenance. It is an ideal house to study when trying to understand what hidden beliefs are influencing our conscious minds and what steps are necessary to make big personal changes.

I opened my chart and reminded myself: Pain is inevitable, suffering is optional. My 12th house has two planets in it, Saturn and Sun; both carry a heavy emotional weight. My research led me to reflect on difficult memories and experiences I’ve had with my family. I counted the ways I re-create and relive this trauma through other people. I realized the only real influence these memories have over me is in the false beliefs it created and buried into my subconscious, or in my 12th house.

I realized, even as we age, we subconsciously carry around trauma from our childhood and repeat it in our current relationships. Not because we enjoy when relationships hurt, but rather because these painful emotions are familiar and comfortable. We repeat our failings hoping things will turn out differently the next time. That is what the 12th house is all about, letting go and transforming.

Let’s be real: Every single person on earth has believed at some point that they’ve failed in some way. Even in the darkest hours, I encourage you to really think about where you’ve created stories around achieving success or happiness. If you find yourself repeating the same old “mistakes,” maybe take a glance at your 12th house — or, if you feel you have failed at life in any way, let’s listen to Tupac and change that.

October Horoscope for Sun Signs:

Aries (March 21-April 19)
This month’s full moon is in Libra, your polar sign. A full moon in your polar sign can help generate a powerful catalyst for personal change and growth. Libra energy is beneficial to all signs, helping restore inner harmony and balance, but especially so for Aries. Libra asks you to find ways to direct your energy inward. This month, it’s time to restore balance back into your personal life and make compromises with others. Libra reminds us that when anxiety or stress is present, you already have all the answers within you, so just remember to take deep breaths and relax. Aries sun signs usually don’t like to ask for help from others (even when they need it most), whereas Libra sun signs always believe the more involved the merrier. With Libra influence this month, these energies will help you to make compromises in relationships with others. Aries is a fire sign, with intense heat, and can push you to extremes in order to achieve success. Libra asks you not to jump to extremes or anger (both in work and love), just slow down enough to hear another person's side or even your own intuition. When the moon reaches its fullest potential in Taurus at the end of the month, you will also begin to feel more grounded in practical matters, such as finances.

Taurus (April 20-May 20)
This month we are leading up to a full moon in Taurus and it will offer a big burst of energy in your professional life. You may find yourself focused on ways to become more grounded and consistent in your workflow. As the weather finally begins to cool down in Florida, this is a great month to walk around barefoot in your backyard or at a park and get grounded! The sun will enter Scorpio on Oct. 23 and it will provide light to areas where you have not been truthful to yourself or others. When Mercury also enters Scorpio this month, this sign's energy will ask you to reflect and resolve ways you try to control others through speech or action. Life is about gaining stability, but make sure you always remain in integrity. Taurus is a sign of honesty and the sun/Mercury in Scorpio will ask you to really own up to your inherent nature. If you haven’t been fully truthful with yourself or others in any way, this is a great month to ground on the earth, resolve issues in relationships and restore your personal balance. (Thanks, Libra moon!)

Gemini (May 21-June 20)
This month a fresh wave of Libra air will circulate throughout our planetary transits. Both the new moon and sun will be in the sign of Libra and, as a fellow air sign, it will help you attract others that are like-minded. Geminis are naturally outgoing and Libra (adding extra wind to your wings) helps you seek out relationships that truly complement you! Mercury, your ruling planet, will transit Scorpio this month, asking you to own up to being more truthful with others. This planetary combination will also help you be more honest with yourself. In creating this new truthful space and owning up to your fullest potential, you will attract the right kind of people and energy. Libra and Scorpio transits will help you feel confident this month in seeking out your most authentic tribe. Whatever makes you feel creative, find a group this month to share it with.

Cancer (June 21-July 22)
Have you been feeling down lately? With the surge of Libra new moon and sun, you will finally get to reflect on all that chatter going on in your mind recently. Moving out of a strong, early grounded Virgo season, Libra kicks off a new moon this month. Libra is an air sign, representing our minds and thoughts. This energy can help you recognize how often you remain in your head questioning your own judgement. A Libra, with those mighty scales, is not considered “balanced” but rather, is always seeking balance. They can go to extremes until they find this right balance. This energy is perfect for your watery emotions in asking how much you have gotten in your own head questioning decisions. Use this month to regain control and feel confident in your fullest power. Mercury will enter Scorpio this month, helping you observe these emotions from a healthy space.

Leo (July 23-Aug. 22)
With the new moon and sun in Libra this month, relationships will be all about evaluating power plays and restoring balance. You are a fire sign, with a strong head. When reflecting on your relationships this month, Libra transits ask you to reflect on the power you have in your relationships. Do you find yourself the one who is always giving or taking from others? When you give, do you always expect something back in return? This month Leos need to evaluate expectations and restore balance in relationships. Where you demand others express their emotions and where you hold back yours is a great place to start. A retrograde Venus will enter Scorpio on Oct. 6 and this will help release any controlling behaviors. This month is all about releasing control and codependency. Libra is about personal inner harmony and making peace with our desires or behaviors. Venus will shift back to Libra on Oct. 31, helping you fully receive that harmony in your heart.

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)
As we work towards a full moon in Taurus this month, you will find yourself ready to take on stability and practical matters at full force. Virgo and Taurus are good friends and help each other succeed because they often think and act alike. Both signs value hard work and organization. With a full moon in the sign of Taurus, you will feel confident in your decisions and ready to take action at work. In a natal chart, the moon represents our thoughts and how we process emotions in our conscious minds. During the full moon in Taurus, it would be a perfect time to stand outside barefoot and set some intentions for positive change. The sun will transit Scorpio at the end of the month, which may create some tension with others, but Taurus moon reminds you to keep working hard and people will take notice!

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)
The sun and new moon will enter Libra this month, helping you feel more creative and expressive than you have in a while. New project ideas may come to you suddenly and unexpectedly. The sun will even help push those dreams along and you will be noticed by others. When Venus goes retrograde in your sign on Oct. 31, things may start to slow down in the relationship department. When a planet goes retrograde, energy there becomes blocked and, since Venus represents love and heartfelt connections to others, heavy feelings toward romance may cool down. It may be a time you reassess your feelings. However, this month provides the chance to channel all of your natural creativity into art or music. Even if you feel a block disconnecting you from others, it is all for your highest good to connect with yourself and use self-expression to integrate your emotions on higher planes. Letting yourself ground or dance around the fire at a full or new moon drum circle would benefit your spirit this month.

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)
Scorpio is already in full swing during the month of October. Mercury will enter Scorpio on Oct. 10, making you quick with your tongue. Watch out, as others may be sensitive to your sincere but brutal honesty. You may feel the collective tension rising as women everywhere are finding their voice. This is what Mercury in Scorpio is all about — speaking the truth, even if it makes others uncomfortable. Just be mindful that when you express yourself it is for everyone's highest good, not just to inflict pain on another where you’ve felt wounded. Venus will enter Scorpio on Oct. 6 and this will help you establish healthy boundaries in your personal life. In addition, when the sun enters Scorpio on Oct. 23, you may begin to recognize all the ways you are constantly making yourself available emotionally for others. You are a sensitive sign and this can be a double-edged sword. Although you are an excellent friend to lean on, you can get drained very quickly — leading to resentment in your personal relationships. This is a great month to start establishing realistic boundaries for some self-care. Go enjoy a nice massage on Mills Avenue or let your hair down at a local salon!

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)
This month's transits are filled with the energy of Libra, which sits two signs away from you in a natal chart. Most astrologers believe there is a special connection between signs that sit two houses away from each other. Libra supports your optimism, Sagittarius supports the Libra’s creative spirit. However, with the new moon in Libra, you will also take on Libra’s energies of overanalyzing things. Be mindful not to question everyone's intentions. You may have been burned in the past due to being overly optimistic, but Libra’s mental analysis of every person around you is here to support those concerns. Libra sun and new moon ask you to bring inner harmony and not give too much away to others until they show support in return. Mercury will transit Scorpio this month and when it finally reaches your sun sign in Sagittarius on until Oct. 31, you will begin to feel more at ease again when speaking up for yourself in these matters.

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)
When the sun and new moon enter Libra this month, you may find yourself lost at times in daydreams. In addition, with Saturn in capricorn and a full moon in Taurus, you may feel that you are doing things the “right” way, yet question most of your actions. This is because Capricorn is about consistency, masculinity and hard work, and Libra is about going with the flow, femininity and balance. These energies don’t merge well together, so you may feel out of your element, dreaming about past experiences where you overanalyze events. However, Libra is a fellow cardinal sign, which means that you both express yourself as leaders and initiators. Libra can help you make some big positive changes in your behavior and help you reflect on areas where you can soften a hard outward appearance. Libra energy is the reminder to accept things as they are and “flow” like the wind. Libra is an excellent initiator this month for self-development and inner compassion!

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)
Mars is transiting Aquarius this month alongside a full moon in Taurus, helping you take action. Mars will help you push forward with new ideas or projects. This transit will strengthen your confidence. Likewise, when Libra transits the sun and new moon, you will feel even more support and peace in your decision-making. Together, these signs share deep love for many things. However, there is a strong Scorpio influence this month transiting Venus (the ruling planet for Libra). Venus and Mercury in Scorpio will help us clean out any fears we’ve been hiding in our heart. An Aquarius sun sign is all about showing compassion and unconditional love to others (even strangers), which means you can be the most giving of any sign. This can be a double-edged sword with Scorpio transiting Venus, it will ask you to face some of those fears or self-limiting beliefs and maybe get rid of them for good! You are a powerhouse of positive energy this month, just be ready to release what is not serving you!

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20)
This month Libra will swoop in with its beauty and charm, transiting both the sun and also new moon. Libra is a very supportive energy or transit for Pisces and they make both great friends and lovers when paired. However, these signs are both prone to over-indulgence and escapism. Be mindful this month where you pour your energy. Libras and Pisces work hard to avoid conflict and keep the peace. This is a great month to start using Mercury's (planet of communication) transit in Scorpio to start speaking your truth to others. Don’t let resentment build in relationships (love or work!) by not establishing when boundaries have been crossed. These types of misunderstandings can really eat away at you. This month be brave and challenge yourself to speak up before emotions become unhealthy and you can’t deal logically. You may find that facing your fears head on with direct communication will solve your problems sooner than later. Libra and Scorpio are here this month to help you get clear on your needs.