Indie-pop daredevils Matt and Kim put their bodies on the line in Orlando this weekend

click to enlarge Matt and Kim play Orlando this very weekend - Courtesy photo
Courtesy photo
Matt and Kim play Orlando this very weekend
Don’t let the guileless exuberance of these indie-pop heroes fool you; the astonishingly physical Matt and Kim go hard on stage. Both members have sustained well-documented performance injuries throughout their career. Drummer Kim Schifino has torn her ACL multiple times during concerts and singer-keyboardist Matt Johnson actually threw out his back at an Orlando show in the late 2000s.

But the revelation of this bill may very well be North Carolina openers Babe Haven, an all-female queer band who pack a heavy punk sound that seethes and roars with raw, righteous anger. They’re the searing quintessence of the next generation of femme punks, emerging right now as a new tide rising to finally right a broken ship that’s been listing in the wrong direction for too long. Come early and see the near future.

6 p.m. Sunday, Sept. 17, The Beacham, $25-$50.

Location Details

The Beacham

46 N. Orange Ave., Orlando Downtown


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