Bars and restaurants in need of staff can participate in's HIREpalooza virtual job fair for free

In response to the workforce shortage in bars and restaurants induced by the COVID-19 pandemic, Orlando Weekly has partnered with and City District have partnered to offer free booth space and job listings to bars and restaurants in’s HIREpalooza Virtual Career Fair.

“Our food and beverage industry was hit so hard by the pandemic, and now as business is picking up, it’s a double-whammy,” said Graham Jarrett, Publisher of Orlando Weekly. “They literally can’t staff their recovery, and these businesses are vital to our economy, as well as the culture of Central Florida. The pandemic is not yet over for many of them, and we hope we can help.”

Through this initiative, restaurants and bars will be able to post their open positions for free on the HIREpalooza virtual career fair platform from May 17 through June 17. These businesses will also have the opportunity to promote their open positions through various social media and email marketing efforts provided by

Restaurants and bars that participate in this virtual career fair can speak with candidates through virtual interviews on May 18-19 from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. All of this, which is normally priced at $795, is being offered at no cost to bars and restaurants to help them attract workers.

“We have the virtual platform and are producing the job fair, Orlando Weekly has the voice to get the word out, and the Main Street Districts are connected to these businesses on the street level,” said Scott Kotroba, co-founder of “And all of us have a long history of working with bars and restaurants in Central Florida. They are essential workers for us. It just made sense for us to come together and try to help.”

The initiative comes with additional support from Commissioner Regina Hill, the Downtown Development Board and the nine other Orlando Main Street Districts. In part, the MSD's mission is to ensure economic vitality in their districts, and all have bars and restaurants who have been significantly impacted by the pandemic.

Though only bars and restaurants may have fees waived,’s HIREpalooza is open to other industries in Central Florida and is dedicated to helping local talent get back into the workforce. In addition to virtual interviews and job postings, HIREpalooza will also provide live, virtual career advice panels and résumé reviews for job seekers.

Bars and restaurants interested in participating should register here.

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