Local artist Jaime Margary to shake a tail feather on Adult Swim "Off the Air" show

click to enlarge Local artist Jaime Margary to shake a tail feather on Adult Swim "Off the Air" show
image via Jaime Margary
Local artist Jaime Margary, who won a Writer's Pick for "Best Local Nerdy Artist" in our 2014 Best of Orlando awards, is not a guy to half-ass Halloween. 

Kotaku made a handy-dandy GIF for the impatient people - GIF via Kotaku
GIF via Kotaku
Kotaku made a handy-dandy GIF for the impatient people
This year, Margary indulged his obsession with the Bird of Paradise, the breakout starlet of BBC documentary Planet Earth. And today he not only hit the front page of Kotaku, he also received word that his video will appear on Adult Swim's Off the Air on New Year's Eve.

The original:

Margary's nutbars re-creation:

The world of cosplay is one not all of us understand, but *points* for choosing a nature documentary as the source material rather than the same half-dozen superheroes and sci-fi characters.

And only a churl could fail to be moved by the sheer weirdness of Margary's interpretive dance. However, we "will retire to consider our verdict."