Waiting for a set time to tea-off?

If you're a fellow British-television fan, whether you follow "Ground Force" or "Hyacinth Bucket," you know the joys of a good cup of English tea. And if you're not, Aug. 28 is a good time to sample the variety as well as the traditional biscuits that go along with the ritual.

That date the International Food Club will offer 15 percent off of UK foods, including McVittie's biscuits, Robertson's lemon curd, and giant, 600-count sacks of Typhoo teabags.

IFC is an extraordinary place, a warehouse full of basmati rice and Patak's sauces from India, cans of stuffed eggplant from Turkey, olive oil from Greece, giant containers of fresh stuffed grape leaves and boxes of frozen English meat pies. Cooking classes and special sales are regular features. Whether you crave halvah, bottled drinks in wild colors or "Turkish Delight," the prices are terrific and the selection is amazing.