Indie-folk superstar Bon Iver works his way to Hard Rock Live

Tuesday, June 5 –

Bon Iver

with the Staves

7 p.m.

Hard Rock Live

6050 Universal Blvd.



Yes, yes, Justin Vernon and heartbreak and a remote cabin and Justin Timberlake is so funny! We know him and we love him. But seriously, have you seen the infomercial posted to Vimeo back in December of Vernon (aka bearded indie-folk superstar Bon Iver), along with his similarly (hilariously) out-of-place bandmates squatting and air-swimming interspliced with testimonial on the workout methods of one Jeff Rogers, jacked trainer of the hipster stars? (posted below) It’s

well, it’s impressive. OK, Mr. Iver may not have a future as a hype man (actual quote: “When I started doing [the workouts], there was just such a lack of

hating it?”), but here’s a group of kids who clearly spent their school years forging notes to get out of gym class only to now embrace dorky dumbbell “circuits,” as beer-gutted, grown-ass rock stars. It’s enough to make us think, “Maybe, just maybe, so can we.” – Justin Strout