19 unwritten rules of Orlando

Our culture moves fast with almost all of human knowledge readily at our fingertips. Still, there are plenty of things you can only learn by doing.

Each city has its "unwritten rules," insider knowledge and avoidable faux pas that mark people as someone in the know or a rube fresh off the turnip truck. Orlando is no different.

We went to the source -- in this case, Orlando Reddit -- to find out what to avoid, what to look out for and how to behave. Take a look at some of our favorites.

Photos via Adobe, except where noted.

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19 unwritten rules of Orlando
19 unwritten rules of Orlando
Not all Twistee Treats are created equal
- u/Spicey477 
Photo via Twistee Treat

Not all Twistee Treats are created equal

- u/Spicey477 Photo via Twistee Treat
Don’t order pizza you found in a hotel brochure
-  u/520mile

Don’t order pizza you found in a hotel brochure

- u/520mile
If Tom Terry’s sleeves are rolled up, shit’s gotten real 
- u/ShakiraFuegoPhoto via Twitter/Tom Terry

If Tom Terry’s sleeves are rolled up, shit’s gotten real

- u/ShakiraFuego

Photo via Twitter/Tom Terry
Stealing swan eggs is punishable by death

Stealing swan eggs is punishable by death

If you’re trying to use downtown bathrooms for anything other than cocaine, you’re going to have a bad time 

If you’re trying to use downtown bathrooms for anything other than cocaine, you’re going to have a bad time

Avoid I-4 from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m. (and from 6:01 p.m. to 3:59 p.m.)

Avoid I-4 from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m. (and from 6:01 p.m. to 3:59 p.m.)

Come to terms with the Disney adults 
- u/sensibletunic
Screenshot via Twitter

Come to terms with the Disney adults

- u/sensibletunic

Screenshot via Twitter
Stop waiting for the building to be finished 
- u/KeyserSooooze
Photo via Valarie Bush/Facebook

Stop waiting for the building to be finished

- u/KeyserSooooze

Photo via Valarie Bush/Facebook
Small dogs and large ponds don't mix
- u/Dovahkiinkv1

Small dogs and large ponds don't mix

- u/Dovahkiinkv1
Don't call it "O-town"
- u/AShyRansomedRoyal Screengrab via YouTube

Don't call it "O-town"

- u/AShyRansomedRoyal

Screengrab via YouTube
Take a breath before proceeding on green
- u/sathaless

Take a breath before proceeding on green

- u/sathaless
Shade is more important than proximity to the front door
- u/Johnny_Carcinogenic

Shade is more important than proximity to the front door

- u/Johnny_Carcinogenic
Don’t ask for comped tickets from theme park employees you don’t know 
- u/Cheehos

Don’t ask for comped tickets from theme park employees you don’t know

- u/Cheehos
Don't buy gas at the airport
- u/EndlessSandwich

Don't buy gas at the airport

- u/EndlessSandwich
Meet MCO arrivals on the departures level

Meet MCO arrivals on the departures level

Try not to be Nazi scum
-  u/leftyflip326Photo via Twitter/Eva Brooks

Try not to be Nazi scum

- u/leftyflip326

Photo via Twitter/Eva Brooks
Don't walk
-  u/iguazocalima

Don't walk

- u/iguazocalima
Don't move where the theme parks are and complain about fireworks
-  u/SmartyChance

Don't move where the theme parks are and complain about fireworks

- u/SmartyChance