"Sexy beaches! Hotels!" is not only the chorus to Pitbull's new video for the quasi-public tourism agency Visit Florida — it's also the most tame description of the Sunshine State you will ever hear.
The Orlando Sentinel reports that making a video for the single "Sexy Beaches" (off his 2014 album Globalization) is part of Pitbull's contract with Visit Florida to "promote Florida’s tourism industry on his social media sites, at international concerts and in this new video."
Because Visit Florida receives money from the state (including $78 million this next fiscal year), that means some of our tax dollars paid for us to watch Armando Christian Pérez romp around South Florida with his lady friends. But we'll never know exactly how much we paid Mr. 305 because his contract with the tourism entity is a redacted under a "trade secrets" exemption to Florida's public records law.
Visit Florida has been criticized in the past year for these types of contracts and for the lack of oversight over the agency, according to the Tampa Bay Times.