Tomorrow, our annual Beer Issue debuts, and we asked Redlight Redlight bartender Teege Braune to write a Florida craft beer preview, so we could be on the look out for the best new regional beers coming to taps near us soon. And his preview piece includes some exciting suds, for sure, but what we did not expect was to learn that Redlight Redlight would be serving up the first in a series of collaborations between Redlight owner Brent Hernandez and Saint Somewhere Brewing Company in the next month at the bar.
Yes, you read that right, Orlando's favorite craft beer bar will soon add microbrewery status to its already stellar reputation, including sourcing local ingredients, like we'd all expect. I'll let Teege tell you the rest, so keep an eye out for his piece when it posts tomorrow, but for now, cheers and congrats to Redlight for proving there's no limit to their radness.