Orlando boxing: That knockout punch Gov. Ron DeSantis delivered to Florida’s arts organizations by canceling all state funding. Ouch!
Orlando marathon: That long, long, long, longgggggggg wait in the theme park queue. It’s all about endurance, champ!
Orlando canoe sprint: When you see a For Rent sign on a cute house, you better do whatever you have to do to get there first: run, fly, paddle …
Orlando gymnastics: Getting from the bar back to your spot with multiple drinks. Points deducted if you or anyone else end up wearing said drinks.
Orlando fencing: More and more restaurants compete to dish out better and better food, ambience and experience. Winner: the dining public
Orlando synchronized swimming: Trying to keep your perfect hair and makeup from sliding off your head in 100% humidity
Orlando karate: Breaking bricks or boards? Pfft. The City Beautiful is the birthplace of Orlando Breaks, a heavy, syncopated subgenre of breakbeat all our own
Orlando table tennis: When candidates for office bat away every tough question they get from reporters in an election year
Orlando 1500m freestyle: Handling plumbing issues in a city barely above sea level, plagued by sinkholes, hurricanes and hard water, is a job for a creative and intrepid service provider
Orlando weightlifting: Getting the maximum amount of bottled water into your cart right before a hurricane