1st: Santiago's Bodega, santiagosbodega.com
2nd: White Wolf Cafe, whitewolfcafe.com
3rd: The Gnarly Barley, thegnarlybarley.com
1st: Prato, prato-wp.com
2nd: Maxine's on Shine, maxinesonshine.com
3rd: The Strand, strandorlando.com
1st: Henry Moso, Kabooki, kabookisushi.com
2nd: Patrick Story, Hollerbach's German Restaurant, hollerbachs.com
3rd: Fabiano Olmo, Maxine's on Shine, facebook.com/chef.fabiano.olmo
1st: Maxine's on Shine, maxinesonshine.com
2nd: Prato, prato-wp.com
3rd: Gnarly Barley, thegnarlybarley.com
1st: Gideon's Bakehouse, gideonsbakehouse.com
2nd: Se7en Bites, se7enbites.com
3rd: The Glass Knife, theglassknife.com
1st: 4 Rivers Smokehouse, 4rsmokehouse.com
2nd: Pig Floyd's Urban BBQ, pigfloyds.com
3rd: Smoke and Donuts, smokeanddonuts.com
1st: DaJen Eats, dajeneats.com
2nd: Island Thyme Caribbean Grille, islandthymegrille.com
3rd: Singh's Roti Shop, instagram.com/singhsrotishopfl
1st: Hawkers Asian Street Food, eathawkers.com
2nd: Peter's Kitchen China Bistro, peterskitchencb.business.site
3rd: Taste of Chengdu, tasteofchengdufl.com
1st: Foxtail Coffee Co., foxtailcoffee.com
2nd: Lineage Coffee Roasting, lineageroasting.com
3rd: Drunken Monkey Coffee Bar, drunkenmonkeyorders.com
1st: TooJay's Deli, toojays.com
2nd: Linda's Winter Park Diner (closed), winterparkdiner.com
3rd: Shakers American Café, shakerscafe.com