1st: Call In Dead
2nd: Wet Nurse facebook.com/wetnurse
3rd: Ebenezer & the Scrooges facebook.com/ebenezerandthescrooges
1st: Will's Pub willspub.org
2nd: Hourglass Brewing hourglassbrewing.com
3rd: Southern Nights Orlando facebook.com/southernnightsorlando
1st: Robbie Kennerney, Throwbacks Sanford, throwbackssanford.business.site
2nd: Shane Williams, Hourglass Brewing hourglassbrewing.com
3rd: Jen Harton, Lil Indie's willspub.org
1st: Angel of Boom
2nd: DJ Chocolate Rain instagram.com/dj_chocolate_rain
3rd: DJ BMF facebook.com/deejaybmf
1st: '80s New Wave Night at Independent Bar, independentbar.net
2nd: Girl the Party at Southern Nights Orlando girltheparty.com
3rd: Mac & Cheese '90s Night at Independent Bar independentbar.net
1st: Lil Indie's willspub.org
2nd: Mathers Social Gathering mathersorlando.com
3rd: The Guesthouse instagram.com/the_guesthouse
1st: Crooked Can Brewing Company crookedcan.com
2nd: Hourglass Brewing hourglassbrewing.com
3rd: Redlight Redlight redlightredlightbeerparlour.com
1st: Independent Bar independentbar.net
2nd: Southern Nights Orlando facebook.com/southernnightsorlando
3rd: Parliament House parliamenthouse.com
1st: Will's Pub willspub.org
2nd: Hideaway Bar facebook.com/hideawaybarfl
3rd: West End Trading Co. drinkatwestend.com