If you weren’t already going to the second annual Women’s March in downtown Orlando this weekend, President Donald Trump saying, “Why do we want all these people from shithole countries coming here?” should have you galloping to your nearest craft store and buying pounds of glitter for all those protest signs you’ll need to make. A year after thousands marched in Orlando’s first Women’s March after Trump’s inauguration, the administration turned his insults into policy by removing protections for immigrants, targeting transgender people and giving white supremacists the benefit of the doubt. Despite an absolutely awful year, there have been some bright spots – the #metoo movement that encourages survivors of sexual assault and harassment to call out their abusers is one of them. Central Florida organizers are focusing on voter registration this year and will also be collecting donations for hurricane victims in Puerto Rico, the U.S. Virgin Islands and the Florida Keys. There’s a long road ahead, and now is not the time to rest.
11 a.m.-3 p.m. Sunday, Jan. 21 | Walt Disney Amphitheater at Lake Eola Park, 512 E. Washington St. |
womensmarchcfl.org | free
Location Details
195 N. Rosalind Ave., Orlando Downtown