No Ordinary Love is a tense psychological thriller that "explores the danger two women face when they begin plotting to escape their manipulative husbands." These are themes that are almost even more urgent now, with domestic violence both exacerbated by and concealed amid an ongoing coronavirus pandemic.
Coinciding with Domestic Violence Awareness Month, No Ordinary Love will begin a U.S. theatrical run with proceeds from ticket sales in some cities going toward local organizations that provide support to those impacted by domestic and intimate partner violence.
"I wanted to create a film that was completely accurate and true to the experience of abuse between intimate partners, because this is a complex issue of not knowing when to leave, or how to leave a relationship," Chyna Robinson, the film's writer and director, told Orlando Weekly back in 2019.
No Ordinary Love screens on Saturday, Oct. 24, at 7 & 9:45 p.m. at the nearby Ocala Drive-In. Tickets are $5 and will be available at the gate on a first-come, first-served basis.
Proceeds from ticket sales for this event will be donated to Stand Up Survivor and Domestic Violence/Sexual Assault Center in Ocala.
For more information, visit Ocala Drive-In's website or No Ordinary Love's website.
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